TechLift Technological and entrepreneurial education
for teenagers from the Israeli periphery for the empowerment of Israeli society

A little about us

An educational program created with the aim ofreducing gaps and promoting equal opportunities

The TechLift programis a 8200 Association technology education program, Which was established in 2015 with the aim of reducing social disparities and promoting equalopportunities among teenagers through exposure and experience in the field ofentrepreneurship and technology. By promoting technological literacy toteenagers from the periphery, through access to courses and activities, we combine all the values and skills of the 21st century: entrepreneurship, programming, team work, developing of self-efficacy, critical and creative thinking, ability to change,problem solving, social responsibility and decision making. In doing so we provide teenagers the tools that will help them fit into society and be part of the economy as adults.

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trainees across thecountry

satisfaction rate

years of schooling

centers across in thecountry

Our courses

Various activities


The 20-hour hackathontakes place at the end of the program year. During the hackaton, the trainees work together with soldiers from the 8200 Unit, mentors who are graduates ofthe unit and professionals from the industry to develop the social/environmental projects they prepared during the year.

Various activities

Tours of high-techcompanies

As part of thecourses, the trainees go on tours of leading high-tech companies to get to knowthe field up close, to ask questions about the high-tech industry and to meetinspiring people. As part of the tours, the trainees attend lectures by leadingcompanies, such as CybeReason, Argus, Armis, Team8, Google, Facebook, and are exposed to content in the fields of marketing, product development,technological challenges and more.

Various activities

Professional panels

During the year,panels on entrepreneurship and technology are held with senior executives from the industry as lecturers.

Various activities

Group trips

The program involvesfield trips around the country that include accommodation and various leadership content, as well as exposure to the various IDF positions throughmeetings with soldiers from a variety of IDF units.

Kiryat Ekron
Jerusalem (Pisgat Ze'ev)
Kiryat Malachi
Kiryat Shmona
Nof Hagalil
Kiryat Ata
Kiryat Motzkin
Tirat carmel
Or Yehuda
Tel Aviv
Beer Sheva
Bat Yam

Where are we?

23 centers in Israel

We operate 23 centers in Israel, from up north to down south, so that our activities can be accessible to a wide range of teen boys and girls from diverse geographical areas and so that we can contribute to the development of education in the periphery.

Jerusalem (Pisgat Ze'ev)
Tel Aviv
Bat Yam
Or Yehuda
Tirat carmel
Kiryat Motzkin
Kiryat Ata
Beer Sheva
Kiryat Ekron
Kiryat Malachi
Nof Hagalil
Kiryat Shmona

What do trainees think?

"Unlike the curriculum at school, in the program we learn the theoretical knowledge and then apply it. I learned to work in a team and build a product from scratch. And beyond that, I enjoyed the social setting, the tours of technology companies and the volunteerism that exists in the program."

איתי שיינר

Itai Shiner

A trainee from Tirat Carmel center

"I’ve always been interested in the technology world but this content was not available to me and the program gave me an opportunity to get familiar with it, to learn to work in groups, to work on real projects and following my instructor’s advice I enrolled in an excellence program at the Hebrew University"

ישי סגל

Yishai Segal

A trainee from Kiryat Malachi center

"As part of the Python end of year course project, we developed a computer game that helps children learn English. We developed the game based on the tools we received during the year, and it was very satisfying to see the results of what we worked on."

אורטל גברילוב

Ortal Gavrilov

A trainee from the Ashdod center

"The program made me realize that programming is a profession that not only suits certain people, rather everyone. These topics always interested me but I didn’t really have a way to get exposed to them. The program exposed them to me and made them accessible to me in a very easy and interesting way."

מתן יוסף

Matan Yosef

A trainee from the Pisgat Ze'ev center

"In my opinion, the most significant thing in this program is the fact that it not only provides theoretical knowledge but also practical tools. As part of the program, in the second year of the IoT course, we submitted a final project at the end of the year and actually built a smart product."

אברהם גדעון

Avraham Gideon

A trainee from the Pisgat Ze'ev center

"For a long time, I have been looking for a way to get into the high-tech industry, and the program enabled me to develop technological capabilities and realize that I was able to do it. I could not believe how quickly I was able to program."

שיראל סרג'ון

Shirel Sarjon

A trainee from the Tirat Carmel center

Our Partners

With the help of running partners, TechLift succeeds in enabling social mobility among the country’s teenagersand increasing the number of trainees who can participate in the activity. The program currently works in collaboration with a variety of local authorities, the 8200 Unit, the Aharai Association and private companies in the industry. If you too want to be partners of our vision and evolution and influence the future of hundreds of teen boys and girls in Israel

Join us

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